Video Licks: Mike Kelton Talks BAGELS
Sure this vid is a week old so SUE ME (don’t really sue me cuz I’m super nice and wouldn’t hurt a Chia pet). You’ve heard the saying “It’s an…
Have your cake and laugh your buns off!
Sure this vid is a week old so SUE ME (don’t really sue me cuz I’m super nice and wouldn’t hurt a Chia pet). You’ve heard the saying “It’s an…
FX’s live action comedy Wilfred starts its third season tomorrow. I’m wagging my imaginary tail furiously in anticipation. Last season we left Ryan (Elijiah Wood) questioning his sanity and the…
Comedy fans far and wide, get thee to The Virgil tonight for the monthly celebration that is The Super Serious comedy variety show. The evening’s entertainment includes performances by Drennon…
You’re right. I probably didn’t need to buy those magnets at the Container Store the other day. — Todd Barry (@toddbarry) June 19, 2013
I’ve never been one to jump on the sequel bandwagon but I must say I’m SUPER excited to see THESE two comedy films. First lets talk about one of the…
The countdown has begun to the “FINAL” 13-episode run of Matt Groening’s Futurama on Comedy Central. We can’t believe it all started in 1999. Eeeesh! The animated series has had…
Corporate sponsorship is so overrated. Check out the latest Vine from comedian Kurt Braunohler. You may never share a meal with Kurt again. Mentions: Follow Kurt on the Tweetie HERE…
Only three HOLY FUCK comedy shows left, people! TONIGHT is one of those shows. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? WHY AM I SCREAMING? If you’ve never been to a HOLY…
The sketch comedy group known as WOMEN continues to create the most original, outrageous, and down right hysterical comedy known to this gal and beyond. WOMEN is composed of the…
Just realized Hodor is the Snarf of Game of Thrones. — Sue Galloway (@suedgalloway) June 18, 2013