They had so much fun on the last quarantined Silent Trailers show, that KEITH AND THE GIRL are bringing the livestream back monthly! Woohoo! The next show will be Saturday, June 6th. The show pits KATG’s Keith Malley, a tome of movie knowledge, against a panel of contestants, who attempt to decipher his co-host Chemda’s descriptions of movie trailers. Mind you, Chemda has little celebrity or film knowledge that will inform those descriptions which, of course, makes it all the more fun. The upcoming show will feature competing guests:
Ophira Eisenberg (NPR’s Ask Me Another)
Kevin Allison (MTV’s The State, RISK!)
Bowen Yang (SNL, Las Culturistas)
& more to be announced!
Will Keith be vindicated this go round? We can hardly wait to find it! Tickets info below.

Mentions: Show 8pm EDT, 5pm PDT. Tickets on sale for $10. Event FREE to KATG VIPers by visiting this link. More about KATG HERE. Follow KATG on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.