“It’s basically pink Halloween.” You said it, Olga! First off, Happy Valentine’s Day! Secondly, we have a UCB NYC Maude Night sketch that will take you way, way back to your elementary school day holiday celebrations. I’m sure you remember everyone pairing up and exchanging those coveted overly embellished cards for that big love day. There was always that one kid that was left out of the pint-sized cupid fray. For this Valentine’s sketch, that kid is the one who has the best Valentine of them all. Enjoy Grown Ass Women’s “My Daddy Is My Valentine” because isn’t that what it’s all about?
This sketch was written by Michele O’Brien, directed by Corin Wells and features Brittany Lee McDonald, Nanie Mendez, Lane Kwederis, Chet Siegel, Kaili Y. Turner, Daisy Hobbs, Jeffrey Elizabeth Copeland, Laura Merrill, and Michele O’Brien. More crew info HERE.
Mentions: Check out more UCB NYC Maude Night content HERE.