Quick Dish NY: COMEDY CAUCUS 2.3 at Fathers Knows Best


The 2020 presidential caucuses are scheduled for Monday, February 3rd. You can totally ignore them and stare at those ever increasing nCoV numbers OR you can EMBRACE the political process and watch the results come in with plenty of food, drinks, and laughter. Join the COMEDY CAUCUS at Fathers Knows Best where the lineup will be totally worth your attention:

Brittany Carney (The Comedy Cellar)
Otto Fernandez (Cat People)
Zubi Ahmed (Kutti Gang)

hosted by Joan Glackin & Sidney Morss

In addition to all the entertainment, someone will win a $50 BAR TAB! Woohoo!

One thing to remember is that no matter the Iowa outcome, you’ll always have comedy!

Mentions: Show 7:30pm. FREE! Father Knows Best in Brooklyn is located at 611A Wilson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207.