Now I just need the late Madeline Kahn to pronounce the name of this show, and my day will be made. Thursday, February 6th, love will be in the air as Pure & Weary (Funny or Die, WhoHaHa) present “the hottest mythological love goss while hosting an evening of comedy, storytelling, music and more.” MYTH’D CONNECTIONS questions that might materialize during the show include ” How do you make Jupiter’s sky really thunder?” “And just how big is Sisyphus’ boulder?” Oh my! Cupid better be covering his eyes and ears for this one. Your enchanting lineup for the evening will consist of:
Alison Banowsky
Brooklyn Jones
Madison Malone
Mara De La Rosa
Scarlet Fever
I wonder who will be most taken aback by the steaming tittle-tattle, Venus or Aphrodite?

Mentions: Show 8pm. Tickets HERE. Second City Hollywood is located at 6560 Hollywood Blvd., LA CA, 90028. Located on the 2nd floor with stair access only. Pure & Weary are Katherine Biskupic & Leah Frires.