Video Licks: A Millennial’s Modern Celebration of Chanukkah Gets Trolled in The Comedy Short HERSHEL


“Happy Hanukkah… with a CH!” In this new comedy movie from Mike Muntner we find a New York millennial tempted by “unexpected visitors” as he attempts to celebrate some familial religious traditions in as low-key a manner as possible. Seven strangers invading his personal space will raise eye brows enough, but what happens when the eighth stranger assumes a more familiar identity? Remember, folks, Mom is always right! Enjoy Hershel!

The cast include Mike Muntner as Hershel, Leah Spigelman as Mom,
Boris Khaykin as Goblin 1, John Swan as Goblin 2, Jesse VandenBergh as Goblin 3, Whitley Watson as Goblin 4, Andy Zou as Goblin 5, Alex Estrada as Goblin 6, and Eddie Dougrou as Goblin 7. This film was directed by Drew Luster.

Mentions: More content from Muntner HERE!