Even dear, young Juliet knew not to worry about names so much, with that centuries old Shakespeare line “What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” In this parody sketch from Thunderdog, the chemistry teacher/blue stuff cooker Heisenberg/Walter White is totally obsessed with his moniker and takes it above and beyond the point of reason. Walt’s insistence that his rivals say his name is just about as bad as creepy Todd’s fixation with Lydia. Can we just all agree that Destiny’s Child was much more chill about bringing up name stuff? Enjoy Walter White’s Obsessed With Names now! (WARNING: Adult content, B*tch.)
This sketch was written & directed by Matt Ware (UCB, The Pack, Nerdist School), and features Derek Scully, Vinnie Lacey, Mike Abbate, Traci Burr, Tyler Davidson, & Jacob Tompkins. More crew info HERE.
Mentions: More Thunderdog content HERE! Catch Thunderdog live every 4th Sunday at 8pm at The Pack Theater in Los Angeles.