Quick Dish NY: THE BIG ONE’s Sketch Season Finale: Wrestletopia TONIGHT at The Tank

Forget the WWE’s Wrestlemania, there’ something bigger and better going down at The Tank NYC TONIGHT! Yes kids, it’s time for The BIG ONE’s Season Finale called Wrestletopia (don’t worry Cali folk, the earth’s not actually shaking). TONIGHT’s main event takes place at 9:30pm and you’d better be prepared for an all out brawl of comedy might. Your BIG ONE participants will include:


Brennan Lowery

Sonia Nam

Ali Mierzejewski

Blaise Vacca

Andy Fitch

Brittany Chappa

Bert James

Aaron LaRoche

Marissa Stuart

Leslie Bowen

Amelia Morgan

Phoebe Stonebraker

Jack Rockiki

Dominic Russo

& writers Hannah Erdheim (Head Writer), Rachel Clayton (Captain), Marcus Haugen, Frank Hoffman, Andrew Bond, Schune Fu, Dustin D’Addato, Kristin Nalivaika, Steph Piperis, Emily Baker, and directed by Jerry Burgos.

Please don’t miss a single minute of this all out battle for laugh supremacy!

Mentions: Show 9:30pm. Tickets $5. The Tank is located at 312 West 36th street, New York.