According to Wiki, a straw man is “a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.” Did you get all that? If you didn’t, it doesn’t matter at all! TOMORROW at The Lyric Hyperion, come see two comedians debate a topic, but the catch is no facts allowed. What the whu?! Yep, it’s all bunch of nonsense in the name of comedy. STRAW MEN, A Debate Show For The Modern Age, will include these willing and ready debaters:
Sam Wiles
Lindsay Adams
Danny Palumbo
David Gborie
James Austin Johnson
Joe Kwaczala
Blair Socci
Ever Mainard
Jamel Johnson
Vanessa Gonzalez
Buh-bye, reason, Venn diagrams, slideshows, and sensibilities. Hello, laughter! GO!
Mentions: Show 10pm. Buy $5 tickets HERE. The Lyric Hyperion is located at 2106 Hyperion Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027.