How could I possibly NOT act like ‘ole Kris Kringle by delivering you this holiday themed MOON CREW poem?
T’was the night before Crimbo
when there came a new mission
that Ol Colonel Crimp
went suspiciously missing
Our heroes donned wigs
and went undercover
to see what shenanigans
they could deftly discover
I wish I could tell you
that it all worked out
but then what the hell
would this show even be about
The Moon Crew invite you
in bombastic vernacular
to come and bear witness
to this Holiday Spectacular!
Now that’s dedication to the craft, friends! Friday, December 7th and December 14th (yes, two Fridays in a row) you can see the The Moon Crew’s episodic comedy plays that follow the misfortunate adventures of three astronauts and an easily triggered android. The play stars
Adam Bangser
Cody Nash Edwards
Julia Letzel
Sander Randall
Riley Cecil Taggart
Amanda Ariel Peggy Xeller
and the action all happens at the Brooklyn Comedy Collective at The Brick Theatre. Say that fast many times! Won’t you join in the Holiday Spectacular fun?! GO!
Mentions: 12.7 at 10pm & 12.14 at 10pm. The Brick is located at 579 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211. This show is directed by Michael Saarela with music by Clay Russell.