There’s no better month to face your fears than the scariest month of the year, October! This month on No Such Thing As Love at The PIT Underground, join Claire Burns & Jessie Jolles as they sucker punch their fears in the gut by receiving readings from an astrologer to help them ascertain their dating futures. Hey, nobody wants to die alone, but you also want to be sure you’re not snagging a psycho! With fears like “falling off low curbs, being stuck on the train & needing to pee, being split in half by a falling elevator” and more, this will be a cake walk! See what I did there. Anyway, come join in the howlingly good fun! Watch this teaser to get jazzed:
Mentions: Show 8pm. Buy $8 tickets HERE. The PIT Underground is located at 123 E 24th St., New York, NY.