The glass ceiling is broken, the #metoo movement has enlightened the workplace, but why is everyone still going to work sick? Well, there’s that crappy healthcare business. Also, DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT wasting that precious sick time! It’s no surprise then that after Ted and Greg call one of those creepy topless maid services to get a handle on their mess, they are not exactly aroused by the illness-ridden services rendered. Enjoy this new Wet Dog video at Funny Or Die, featuring the Super Delicate Second City Sketch Team!: Topless Maid has The Flu! (WARNING: Pixelated goods. Snotty services.)
Wet Dog is sketch comedy produced by Brendan McCay and other collaborators. This video was written/edited by McCay and stars Ali Pickard, Alexander Schwartz, and Brendan McCay.
Mentions: More from Wet Dog HERE.