“Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!” In case you were lucky enough to escape Shakespeare in high school (I jest), that was a quote from Hamlet in which the Prince of Denmark talks to the skull of the court jester Yorick. So what does this have to do with comedy? Well, the late author David Foster Wallace titled his 1996 tragicomedy Infinite Jest, which has been the focus of an “all-consuming” project by comedian JAMIE LOFTUS for the past year. She has compiled her efforts to literally ingest the book page by page over a year’s time (documenting it on Twitter). No small task! The interesting settings and methods in which the book has been “taken in” have garnered 9k+ views on YouTube to date. My favorite moment is when Loftus soaks a page in red wine with scissors. Does pulp cause tummy aches? Enjoy #eatinfinitejest: the first year!
Mentions: You can catch Jamie hosting The First Annual Daddy Pageant live from Nerdmelt Showroom at 130PM pst / 430PM est. Deets HERE!