Video Licks: Watch The Timeless Tale of The SAD BRO at Más Mejor

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It’s a tale as old as time. A kind, gentle soul finds love and is soon cast aside for another. The Más Mejor series SAD BRO begins with the history of this pained figure throughout time. Yes, there is a Miguel in us all. WE ALL are sometimes cast aside by a human pillar of greatness that has “a terrific beard, the kind you get trimmed at Fantastic Sam’s.” Watch as this Origins story gets to the root of that state of consciousness that Socrates, Aristotle and, yes, even Taylor Swift share.

SAD BRO E1: Origins – The heart is as delicate as a bunch of thyme. (Cast: Jasbir Singh Vazquez, Erika Rankin, Gabriel Sousa)

The Sad Bro is not just a heartbroken farmer anymore. Watch as Emilio’s ticker is about to get slayed by his brunch-loving girlfriend Jenna, who picks a game of hangman as her bad news delivery method. Yikes! Someone is about to join a long line of Sad Bros.

SAD BRO E2: THE BRAKE UP – This “Sad Bro” is going to need plenty of hydration (Cast: Jasbir Singh Vazquez, Lauren Robertson, Bente Engelstoft)

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