Quick Dish: Plug into THE MULTI-MEDIOT SHOW Tonight 6.27 at The Clubhouse


Have you exhausted all forms of technological creation? Don’t fret! Experience “tech-inspired bits” from the best boneheads in the business at THE MULTI-MEDIOT SHOW. These madcap anti-luddites may not have solid backgrounds in the field but they are willing participants in the information age. All forms of social media and interconnected broadcast are welcome! Let’s just hope your host, Sethward Allison, can restrain any multi-media simpletons from harming the “extremely expensive equipment!” Laughter awaits!


Mentions: Show 7pm. Deets. Entertainment presented by Wet The Hippo Collective. The Clubhouse is located at 1607 Vermont Ave. LA, CA 90027. Show takes place on the Main Stage. See The Multi-Mediot Show every 4th Monday of the Month at The Clubhouse.