Well Stars Wars: The Force Awakens is merely days away. Like you, we can barely keep it together. So much nostalgia swells in those who’ve enjoyed this experience before. So many wonderful memories brim to the surface. However, with those good memories also comes the dark ones. In much simpler times the first generation of Star Wars fans were “gifted” with one of the most horrific specials ever to have been witnessed on television. Yes, the Star Wars Holiday Special sucked the life forces from our bodies for one and only one broadcast. Kids, Bea Arthur was in it. That’s all that needs to be said. Luckily, or not so luckily, you kids now have your own appalling special to consider a cult classic. Funny or Die has cobbled together as much information about the new movie as they possibly can and spit out this satire that will live on forever. (Thanks the stars this is a satire!) Droid Day only comes twice a year. Enjoy The Hypothetical Star Wars Holiday Special!
This video features DJ Qualls, John Millstein, Allan McLeod, Wes Schlagenhauf, Austyn Jeffs, Josh Fadem, Keith David, Lydia Hearst, Jason Alexander and Train. Hey! The band Starship was in the original. Chill.
Mentions: May the force be with you. Watch more hilarity at FOD.