Video Licks: Dolores Park, Urns, and Unmentionables in The Bew’s THE BEST OF CRAIGSLIST

Oh Craiglist, it’s magical online bulletin board of all those things we desire, jobs, housing, love, etc. However, it’s also a depot for the objects and people we would NEVER EVER want to deal with or encounter in our lifetime. Get a giggles worth of the very Best of Craigslist The Bew has compiled. These are all real! (WARNING: Adult content and major EWWWs on the last one.)

Dolores Park Around Noon: Never let your pal drug you

I Have Someone’s Dead Grandmother in Urn: This is probably not what granny wanted

Found: Shirt Bra, Thong and Vomit: But why? WHY?

Mentions: Watch more from The Bew HERE. Follow your truly on Twitter and Facebook, kids.

Update: The Bew is now Classfied Comedy.