Don’t miss the most romantic livestream of the year when Mystery Science Theater 3000’s Trace Beaulieu (“Dr. Clayton Forrester” and “Crow T. Robot”) and Frank Conniff (“TV’s Frank”) live-riff the 1956 horror flick BRIDE OF THE GORILLA, followed by a Q&A with Rachel Lichtman, the creator of Programme 4 and Easy AM 66. The 1951 B-movie stars Raymond Burr, Barbara Payton and Lon Chaney Jr. You will not want to miss this ALL-NEW special just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Get your MADS tickets, watch the livestream and replay at your leisure! Info below.
Mentions: Show 5-7pm PST. Tickets HERE. Location: Online. Give Dumb Industries a FOLLOW, for no particular reason. Feed the beast.