Quick Dish NY: D**K THE B*LLS Variety Show 12.12 at The Bell House

This Thursday, December 12th, Brittany Carney (HBO’s Fantasmas, Adult Swim) hosts the most deeply appropriate holiday comedy production known as the D*ck The B*lls variety show at The Bell House. The lineup will include Alex English (SNL), Django Gold (Colbert), Dave Hill (Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt), Josh Nasser (Comedy Central), Yamaneika Saunders (Life & Beth), Naomi Karavani (Comedy Central, NPR), Zach Zimmerman (Late Late Show) & more!. The show features standup, ribbons of jazz, and assorted expressions of festive spirit. Not so much a war on Xmas, as it is an imposed diplomatic conflict. C*me whether you’re naughty or nice.

Mentions: Show 7:30pm ET. Tickets HERE. Location: The Bell House | 149 7th St., Brooklyn, NY 11215. Give Brittany a FOLLOW. Feed the algo.