This week UCB Comedy unveils a cinema-ready web series that will have you in stitches. Gary Saves The Graveyard follows Gary, the new caretaker at a graveyard, who discovers that he must corral 234 living corpses, including his childhood best friend, who come to life each night. Watch the first two episodes right now!
EPISODE ONE: Gary meets his new brood
–Written by Todd Bieber, Kristy Lopez-Bernal, Laura Grey, Zack Phillips, Avery Monsen
–Featuring Jim Santangeli, Tallie Medel, Nate Dern, Shannon O’Neill, Michael Delaney, Nicole Byer, Timmy Wood, Dawn Luebbe
EPISODE TWO: Gary and his BFF get up to speed
–Written by Todd Bieber, Kristy Lopez-Bernal, Laura Grey, Zack Phillips, Avery Monsen
–Starring Jim Santangeli, Tallie Medel, Nate Dern, Shannon O’Neill
–Featuring Michael Delaney, Nicole Byer, Timmy Wood, Sonja Lintott, Clare Sammells, Chris Sammells, Jerry Lewis, Justin Lewis, Clint Manotti
Mentions: Look for new episodes of Gary Saves The Graveyard this week at the UCB Comedy Channel.