Quick Dish NY: VOCABARET “Back-to-School” Show 9.13 at Caveat

Come join New York City’s most-decorated wordsmiths as they come together this September 13th for an eclectic variety hour of raucous wordplay, etymological deep dives, and alphabetic absurdity that investigates the intersection of language and everyday life, inspired by a new theme each month. This month the VOCABARET gang will be learning something NEW. Lean in to the most studious season of the year to find your new favorite subject at Vocabaret: Back to School. Heavyweight champions of the word: Sam Corbin, Tim Donnelly, Jerzy Gwiazdowski, Ally Spier, and Nikolai Vanyo will be hitting the books to teach you all about a test you can’t study for, capitalism’s pervasive creep, one marm’s current favorite letter, and more. Don’t be late!

Mentions: Show 7pm ET. Tickets $20 standard, $25 at the door, $10 livestream/vod HERE. 21+. Location: Caveat | 21A Clinton Street, Manhattan, 10002. Give the show a FOLLOWFeed the algo.