Quick Dish NY: TONIGHT 8.27 Enjoy Some DROP IN COMEDY at Two Boots

Free Show! Free Beer (if of age)! Pizza raffle ALERT! TONIGHT stop on by Two Boots Pizza in Park Slope to see hosts Mia Jackson (Netflix, Comedy Central Half hours) and Isabel Hagen (Fallon, JFL) present a stand-up comedy show worth hanging around for. There are different insane lineups weekly, and hopefully a few big name celebrity comedian drop ins! DROP IN COMEDY FREE STUFF that will be given away includes:

  • One FREE Miller Lite per person from 7:30PM-8PM (please tip the bartenders!)
  • FREE Slices Raffle (2 slices)
  • FREE Full Pizza Raffle (1)

and of course

  • FREE Comedy Show (basket will passed suggested 10$ donation) featuring

Seaton Smith (Comedy Central)
Myq Kaplan (Last Comic Standing)
Harrison Greenbaum (Conan)!

Who could be the drop in this week!? Drop in for the drop-ins this evening!

Mentions: Show 7:30pm ET. RSVP HERE. Location: Two Boots Pizza | 284 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215. Feed the algo.