Quick Dish NY: SANDWICH Comedy 5-Year Anniversary Show 8.17 at Union Hall

Feeling hungry for fresh comedy? Then looks like your order is on the way! SANDWICH is celebrating five whole years of dolling out laughter and sandwiches. Co-hosted by Gastor Almonte (Comedy Central) and Jess Salomon (The Tonight Show), the show features New York’s most acclaimed, talented, and dare one says … tastiest comedians, sandwiching new material in the middle of their sets. The upcoming event will include the supreme ingredients of

  • Gary Gulman
  • Sydnee Washington
  • Bassam Shawl
  • JJ Mattise
  • Alison Leiby

*Individual performer appearances subject to change without notice.

Eat your hearts out everyone who doesn’t make it!

Mentions: 9:30pm Doors / 10:00pm Show ET. Tickets $10 advance / $15 at the door (mixed seated / standing). 21+. Give the show a FOLLOW. Feed the algo.