Quick Dish NY: AWKWARD S*X…AND THE CITY 11-Year Anniversary Show 8.22 at Caveat

This summer Awkward Sex… and the City celebrates its 11-year anniversary at Caveat on August 22nd for The ‘So You’re Not In Scotland’ Festival! Every year in August people flock to the Edinburgh Fringe, and theaters of NYC stand deserted, haunted only by whispers of jokes untold and soft thuds of pratfalls untaken. What of the people here, who want to go to show after show after show, after-party after after-party after after-party? This fest and Awkward S*x…and The City show is for you.

Natalie Wall

Join comedian Natalie Wall reliving intimate tales about their sex life and breaking barriers about sex and dating. The show pairs sexual inclusion with humor and sheds light on the awkward universal experience we all know and love. This month, join Wall as she features her first ever hour, plus special guest opener!

Mentions: Doors at 9:00! Show at 9:30 pm ET! Tickets $12 online/ $15 day of show! Location: Caveat | 21 Clinton Street New York, NY 10002. Give the show a FOLLOW. Feed the algo.