What’s that orb shining strongly into my eyes? A sign of summer, you say? Well, best we do something about that. Come out to Logan’s Run TOMORROW to soak up some SAVAGE Comedy in Brooklyn. Your hosts Lizzie Martinez, Melissa Rocha, Nonye Brown-West, and Chloé Chunha will welcome a shiny, new ineup featuring
James Hamilton (VICE)
Glo Butler (Comedy Central)
Mariah Oxley (Powersuit Comedy)
Riley Lassin (NYCC)
& Christiana Jackson (Cash Cab)
Head to the your favorite Brooklyn bar basement for barrels of laughs! BONUS: RSVP for a chance to win FREE drinks!

Mentions: Show 8pm ET. $free. RSVP HERE. Location: Logan’s Run | 375a 5th Ave, Brooklyn. Give the show a FOLLOW. Feed the beast.