Following sold-out shows in LA, and at Brooklyn’s Union Hall last October, Michael J. Feldman (Musclebound) brings his latest solo show, No, But I’m Definitely In A Better Place Than I’ve Been In A Long Time to the Brick May 23-26 and now, an additional weekend of shows May 30-June 1. The show is a solo comedic play about the utter absurdity and blatant selfishness of trying to do anything creative in a world that is falling apart. As Feldman recounts, he started working on the show during the pandemic when he was in desperate need of some sort of creative outlet and was writing a lot about his experience with anxiety. In an effort to find a cuddly pandemic dog, Michael and his husband Michael ended up with a 75 lb German Shepherd with generalized anxiety disorder. Feldman knew immediately that he wanted the show to be from her perspective. So, in essence, Michael plays the role of his anxious dog in a solo show he puts up during the literal apocalypse. Hey, you’d do anything for your pooch too! Don’t miss out on the solo show within the solo show!

Mentions: Ticket info HERE. Location: The Brick – 579 Metropolitan. Give Michael a FOLLOW. Feed the algo.