Fun in Moderation is a New York City-based sketch comedy team comprised of Kendall Bowden, Nick Ryan, Austin Elias-de Jesus, and Syd King. Just like every other sketch group, two of them are dating, one of them has a podcast, and all four have a hard time making eye contact with people. They have performed at Caveat NYC, Asylum NYC, and at PIT Sketchest, and were recently featured in The New Yorker. The show is an all-night party with sketch comedy, stand-up, and games to, you guessed it, disappoint their parents. This Friday’s event, you will also be treated to stand-up by Amelia Ritthaler! Come by for some calm and collect laughter. Enjoy!
Mentions: Show 7pm ET. Tickets HERE. $15 tickets using code FIM, $20 at the door Location: Caveat | 21A Clinton Street, Manhattan, 10002 (Cross-Streets: Houston Street & Clinton Street -Nearby Subways: Delancy Street Station (F, M, J & Z), & Broadway-Layfayette Street Subway (B, D, F, M, 5 & 6)). Give the show a FOLLOW. Feed the algo.