Join five heavyweight champion of the word TOMORROW, December 7th as they host another thrilling installment of VOCABARET. This month the show revolves around everyone’s favorite literary device, PUNS! OK, not everyone loves them, but you’ve got to say that everyone knows what they are. Vocabaret plans to shoehorn those luscious puns into segment titles. They will debate their comedic value. And even though puns have brought your hosts together, they may eventually tear them apart. Don’t you worry though, this eclectic variety hour (and a half) of raucous wordplay, etymological deep dives, and alphabetic absurdity will entertain no matter the outcome! Now go snatch up them tickets!
Mentions: Doors 6:30pm, Show 7pm ET. $20 standard, $20 at the door, $10 livestream tickets HERE. 21+. Location: Caveat | 21A Clinton Street, Manhattan, 10002. Give Vocabaret a FOLLOW. Feed the algo.