If you are already throwing your hands in exasperation at the week ahead, then we think it’s time for some laugh therapy. Join the AMBUSH Tomorrow, August 30th at Two Boots Williamsburg for a roaring good time. Your host for the evening Lucas Connolly will welcome these band of laugh wranglers to the show:
- Graham Kay (Fallon)
- Myka Fox (Comedy Central)
- Dwayne Cullen (The Stand)
- Onika McLean (HBO)
- Peter wong (Comedy Central)
- + Special guests!
Now breathe in and pencil in the date!

Mentions: Show 7:30pm ET. FREE. **FREE BEER from 7.30-8** Reserving tickets enters you into the PIZZA RAFFLE. Location: Two Boots Pizza | 558 Driggs Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11211. Follow the show. Feed the beast.