Kids, now that you’ve made it through the winter storm and the Golden Globes, celebrate with some crisp mid-week laughs as your favorite comedy dynamic duo, Kara Klenk and Jared Logan, presents the best weekly Better Half Comedy stand-up showcase around. Head on over to Bar Bandini TONIGHT armed with a parka and an award-winning attitude. Your hot off the presses lineup will include
MATT BRAUNGER (Conan, Chelsea Lately)
ADAM CONOVER (The G-Word, Adam Ruins Everything)
FUMI ABE (Corden, Colbert)
ARIJANA RAMIC (Burbank Comedy Festival)
Be there!

Mentions: Doors 7:30, Show 8pm PT. FREE, Donate on Eventbrite. 21+. Location: Bar Bandini | 2150 Sunset Blvd, Echo Park. Follow the show. Feed the beast.