Twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves, and an in-person edition of the Mary Jo Pehl Show at Littlefield. That’s how the song goes, right? No matter, join The Mary Jo Pehl Show with Mary Jo Pehl (writer & star of the original Mystery Science Theater 3000) and Chris Gersbeck (founder of Dumb Industries), and very special guests Frank Conniff (also from Mystery Science Theater 3000) and Dave Hill (Girls5Eva, Would I Lie To You?) who will be reading from their books and delightfully gabbing about said tomes December 6th. The gang will be signing books and sticking around afterwards. And for those unable to attend in person, there will be a livestream at The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse, the new hub on the Dumb Industries website to watch all things related to The Mary Jo Pehl Show. Now go grab those tickets!

Mentions: In-person show 7:30pm ET. Tickets HERE. Location: Littlefield, 635 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11217. Follow Dumb Industries for updates. Feed the beast.