Who doesn’t want more humor in their lives in times like these? You can add a new fest to your list as THE VERMONT COMEDY FESTIVAL enters the mix. The grand event, devised by Matt Vita and Collen Doyle, will bring together internationally recognized talent from across the country. VCF will showcase comedy talent while highlighting the best of the local Vermont businesses and scenery. The four-day festival, December 1st to the 4th, will be spread between the towns of Bridgewater, Woodstock, Pomfret, and Killington, all of which are easily accessible from major cities like Boston and New York City. The fest will begin with Kick Off Party At Ramunto’s Pizzeria in Bridgewater, offer multiple shows at venues like The Woolen Mill Comedy Club, The Rivershed, Long Trail Brewery, and The Grange Theater, and conclude with a headline performance by JOE LIST (Fallon, Netflix’s The Stand-Ups, Comedy Central). Tickets to all events a full schedule for the fest are now available. Details below. Enjoy!
Mentions: Programming info now available. Tickets for headline event HERE. Additional event tickets THERE. ENTER to win 3-night stay at 506 on The River & 2 FREE tickets to see Joe List 12.4. Follow the fest. Feed the beast.