PICTURE THIS! is back at Permanent Records Roadhouse’s back patio for another live animated comedy spectacular! The show was created by Brandie Posey & Sam Varela, two gals who keep pushing the boundaries of what a comedy show can be. The live comedy show features stand-ups performing while they are drawn live by some of the best animators, cartoonists, and other artists in Los Angeles, Brooklyn, and festivals around the world! The comics do not know what the animators are drawing and the animators… surprise, surprise, don’t know how the comedians will react. Its’a wallop of fun and this Sunday’s lineup is just a gem:
Comedy by
JUST ADDED: Sydnee Washington (Comedy Central)
Jamie Loftus (iHeart Radio)
Megan Koester (Adult Swim)
Danielle Perez (Russian Doll)
Christina Catherine Martinez (FXX)
Animation by
Mike L. Mayfield
Craig Bartlett
Natasha Kline
Jamie Loftus
AJ Howard
Mike Hollingsworth
ALL hosted by Brandie Posey!
Get those tickets before they melt in the June gloom rays!
Mentions: Show 6:30pm. $10 pre-sale, $15 day-of. Street parking available. Rideshare encouraged. Location: Permanent Records Roadhouse, 1906 Cypress Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90065. Follow the show on IG, Twitter, and F/B. Feed the beast.