Lovers of those words we utter on the regular, come to the greatest words show to inhabit a cabaret-style speakeasy theater! THIS FRIDAY, April 8th at Caveat, the VOCABARET WORD CHAMPIONSHIP returns for it’s SECOND installment. For almost three years, five friends (Sam Corbin, Tim Donnelly, Jerzy Gwiazdowski, Ally Spier and Nikolai Vanyo) have brought their linguistic prowess to the masses all in the name of a good time. This week they will go “head-to-head-to-head-to” to determine who has the final say in an epic word battle, hosted by master of competition Jerzy Gwiazdowski. Don’t miss this thrilling night of “language games, prepared challenges, and quip-thinking”!

Mentions: Show 7pm ET. Tickets (live and livestream) HERE. Location: Caveat, 21a Clinton Street, Manhattan. Follow the show on Instagram & Twitter.