Quick Dish NY: ELECTRIC B*TCH with Katy Berry Returns 2.25 in Red Room at KGB Bar

Friday, February 25th in the Red Room at KGB Bar, have your cake and eat it too with ELECTRIC B*TCH. Musical comedian Katy Berry (Baby Wants Candy, Nickelodeon, North Coast) RETURNS to inhabit the body of a German cabaret host, bringing YOU another hilariously eccentric evening of improvised songs based on audience chats. Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome, mein publikum! Berry will be accompanied by a live band who will be improvising each note as the Electric B*tch keeps the laughs streaming with “whip-fast quips, freestyle raps,” and more! Included at each show is a new burlesque act (Bimini Cricket), as well as THESE specials guests from about the NYC comedy scene:

Kiki Mikkelsen

Adrian Frimpong

Adrien Pellerin

Talk about fun additions! This should be a spectacularly intimate evening filled with good cheer, audience banter, improvised songs, and the one and ONLY iconic, electric queen. Enjoy!

Mentions: Show 8pm ET. $15 Tickets HERE. Location: KGB Bar, 85 E 4th St
The Red Room, New York, NY 10003. Follow Katy THERE.