Not only is it a shorter work week, but your hump day is spiced with some inviting comedy THIS very night! Head on over to Bar Bandini for some live stand-up, care of BETTER HALF COMEDY. Hosts with the mostest (laughs) Kara Klenk and Jared Logan will welcome this stellar lineup to the show:
NAOMI EKPERIGIN (Netflix, Broad City)
IAN KARMEL (Corden, Netflix)
ANDREW MICHAAN (Comedy Central)
MOLLY AUSTIN (Comedy Central)
Go enjoy yourself, for once! You kinda deserve it.

Mentions: Doors: 7:30pm | Show 8pm PT. FREE!!! 21+. Donations accepted on Eventbrite. Location: Bar Bandini, 2150 Sunset Blvd, Echo Park. Follow the show THERE. Proof of vaccination or negative test result required for entry.