You never can get enough storytelling! Coming up THIS Friday, April 16 Kevin Allison (MTV’s The State) hosts another evening of incredible true stories with the RISK! virtual show. What’s even better is that you can watch from anywhere in the world. We’re talking to you, Iceland! Guests will tell true stories they never thought they’d dare to share in public (and they ain’t kidding). The upcoming event’s lineup will include stories from:
Oz du Soleil
Kent Whipple
Freddy-May AbiSamra
and Hannah Sussman
The webinar will be just like an in-person RISK! live show, only online, with performers telling their stories on camera, live from their homes. Do yourself a solid and treat yourself to an evening of rest, relaxation and RISK!

Mentions: Show 9:30pm EST/ 6:30pm PST. Tickets HERE (tickets are FREE to any Patreon members $25/month and above). Only 100 tickets available! Follow RISK on Twitter & Instagram!