Off-Broadway’s first show since the pandemic is set to open Friday, April 2nd. You might know it as The Super Crazy Crazy Funtime Show! The show formerly ran for three at The PIT and their last show was at the Brooklyn Comedy Collective (both closed due to the pandemic). Dino Valentino (Anthony Giordano) and Francis Merryweather (Artie Brennan) are excited to return to the stage to give audiences just the mental vacation they desire. For those unanointed, The Super Crazy Fun Time Show “places you into the audience at a live taping of a fictional TV show, overflowing with weird characters, interactive games, prizes, and more!” Sounds like a hoot, right?! Did you know that is a “TimeOut NY” and “amNewYork” Critics’ Pick AND shorts and commercial parodies from the show have won award at film festivals, as well as been featured on site (like this one) and, oh yea, FOD. The April run will star Artie Brennan and Anthony Giordano, as well as feature performances from
Camile Theobold, Tim Girrbach, and Giovanni Naarendorp
Well, get ready to strap on those party masks, because this should be one hell of a back to almost normalcy ride!
Mentions: Tickets available at Shows begin at 8pm ET. Follow the show on IG. The show follows strict safety guidelines. The Players Theatre has a new air filtration system, socially distanced seating and requires mask wearing. An entire team of certified coronavirus response officers will be on hand for each performance to make sure all safety procedures are followed.