We can’t believe we’ve been promoting online comedy shows for a year now. That’s INSANE, but welcome to our new reality! Here’s hoping we get to attend actual live shows in the future, but, for now, we will continue on our little journey. So that means we get to tell you about the next virtual edition of the RISK! storytelling show. Join Kevin Allison (The State) and the gang as they welcome another crew of talented storytellers online. The live show will be broadcast via webinar format on Zoom Friday, March 12th, featuring more true stories from these wordsmiths:
Lisa Cantrell
Auntie Vice
Chetter Galloway
Dana Norris
& Kevin Allison!
There are just 100 tickets available so get a cracking!

Mentions: Show 9:30pm Eastern Time / 6:30pm Pacific Time. Tickets HERE. More RISK! show info THERE. Follow the show on IG.