PICTURE THIS! cannot be stopped. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of lockdowns will keep this comedy/animation gem from doing it’s thing. December 12th Brandie Posey and Sam Varela bring you the 10th Zoom show from quarantine with a bevy of great entertainers. Every show comedians perform live while they are drawn by some of the best animators, cartoonists, and other artists around. Donations will go towards paying performers and artists in these much need time. This month’s lineup includes:
Comedy by
Chris Fairbanks
Samantha Ruddy
Maggie Maye
Animation by
Dan Pinto, Natasha Kline, Patrick Hosmer, Mike L Mayfield, & Chris Fairbanks
Hosted by Ian Fidance
Stay safe out there, kids.
Mentions: Show 4pm PST. Tickets HERE. Flier art by Tayen Kim. Some of the proceeds will also go to Fair Fight Action.