This Wednesday, July 29th, HOFF’S PUBLIC DOMAIN HORRORFEST returns for another weekly screening and comedy show featuring the mermaid horror flick “Night Tide.” The movie stars Dennis Hopper as a young sailor named Johnny who meets Mora (played by Linda Lawson) at a local jazz club while on shoreleave. He learns Mora makes her living appearing as a mermaid in a sideshow attraction. Despite the warnings, Johnny can’t help falling for the self-described “Siren” of the deep. Is her confession rooted in reality or just a piece of a larger, more nefarious puzzle? Join Hoff Matthews (Comedy Central) on Twitch with special guest Lance Rumowicz (MistareFusion) as they bring you new sketches and characters care of the Horrorfest scream team (Hoff Matthews, Andrei Alupului (Come Ova, UCB), Marybess Pritchett (An Inconvenient Talk Show), and George Gordon (Laugh Track Festival, Your Good Friend)). A tale of two star-crossed lovers beckons!
Mentions: Watch the Night Tide for FREE this Wednesday at 9pm EST. Show link HERE.